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Children are banned in this European city

Children are banned in this European city

Residents enjoy the peace and tranquility that this city offers them, which has fueled curiosity about its provisions.

Located in a quiet corner of the Highlands of Scotland, Firhall is a small town known for its natural beauty and strict residency regulations.

This particular goal draws attention to the rule that created the controversy: children are prohibited from living there.

Firhal offers relaxation for those above 45 years of age seeking peace and quiet.

Among the city’s unique regulations are the ban on keeping more than one dog and the exclusion of other pets such as ducks, rabbits, pigeons and bees.

However, the rule that draws the most attention is not allowing children, in particular, to live permanently in the city.

David Eccles, chairman of Firhall Neighborhood Association, stressed to the British network that many residents have grandchildren who are allowed to visit but not live in: “It allows families to maintain relationships without disrupting the peace that people seek. .”

“This Scottish village, outside Nairn, on the banks of the Moray Firth, is immaculate and elegant, a collection of detached houses overlooking a lake. There is no fence between me and the water, nothing to separate one garden from another. There are no skateboards here. No soccer balls. No noise. .It will take a while, but I get it: Firhall is the first and only town in Britain where children are banned, and it shows,” wrote Guardian journalist Julie Bindal in a review of the place.

For Edwina Ellis, who lives in Firhall, the main attraction is the beauty and atmosphere of the place. “There are so many birds and abundant wildlife. You see squirrels every day. It’s just a beautiful place to live,” Ellis told the British network, highlighting the peaceful nature that defines the city.

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The policy of not allowing children to live in the city has created speculation and curiosity, but residents enjoy the peace and quiet this rule affords them.

Visits by grandchildren and children are allowed in a controlled manner, allowing residents to enjoy special family moments without disturbing the constant tranquility of the place.

Despite the controversies, Firhall remains an attractive destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat.

With its 93 properties, the city offers a blend of natural beauty and a peaceful lifestyle, perfect for its residents. Without children, the main sound is the song of birds and the quiet conversations of neighbors.

Firhall is known for strict rules to maintain a peaceful environment, prohibiting the residence of children and restricting their visits.

As a result, these restrictions have created discontent among some citizens, who see the lack of contact with minors and the restrictions on children’s visits as affecting coexistence.

Thus people decided to sell their property and move to another place where there were not so many restrictions and they could enjoy their days as they wished.

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