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Caesar salad celebrates its 100th anniversary on July 4th, celebrate with us with a recipe featuring hot dog croutons

Caesar salad celebrates its 100th anniversary on July 4th, celebrate with us with a recipe featuring hot dog croutons

The Fourth of July is known for burgers and red, white and blue desserts, but a Caesar salad shouldn’t be overlooked during the holiday.

The creamy, cheesy salad’s centennial is said to fall on Thursday, July 4, 2024. 100 years later, the salad’s exact origin story is still disputed.

One of the indisputable things about the history of Caesar salad is that it came from Tijuana, Mexico, but many attribute it directly to Tijuana. Caesar’s Restaurantaccording to The New York Times.

According to the store, Caesar’s makes 2,500 Caesar salads for the table each week. Today’s salad at Caesar’s is inspired by a dish that was created 100 years ago — at least for those who believe the original recipe came from the restaurant’s founder, Césare Cardini. The Italian immigrant moved to Mexico from the United States in the 1920s to open restaurants, like the Alhambra Cafe and Caesar’s, during America’s Prohibition.

Rumor has it that Cardini’s original recipe came from the mother of one of his chefs, Livio Santini, and included most of the ingredients available today—such as romaine lettuce, eggs, Parmesan cheese, and croutons—but omitted the anchovies found in the modern version. Others say that Cardini first made the Caesar salad at the Hamra Café on July 4, 1924, two years before he opened Caesar’s.

Those close to the key players add confusion to the recipe’s backstory. Cardini’s brother, Alex Cardini, has claimed to be the salad’s creator. Santini’s younger son, Aldo Santini, 71, told The New York Times that Santini invented the salad. The New York Times He doesn’t believe in the authority’s birthday and that “the date was conveniently set to coincide with the biggest holiday in the United States – and to challenge my father’s legacy.”

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Caesar salad.


Despite its mysterious history, Tijuana is holding a four-day festival to honor the 100th anniversary of the Caesar salad. But those who can’t make the trip to Mexico can celebrate the historic dish at home.

Several versions have appeared in PEOPLE magazine. Salad lovers who want to add a spicy twist can try Chrissy Teigen’s Sriracha Caesar Salad. For a more protein-packed salad, try Robin Miller’s Steak Caesar Salad Wraps.

Steak Caesar Salad Wraps.

Jane Cozy

But our favorite dish, thanks to its connection to the American tradition of eating hot dogs on the Fourth of July, is Mason Hereford’s Caesar salad served with hot dog toast (below).

“This is the place I always go to for delicious food,” says the chef and restaurant owner. turkey and wolf In New Orleans, one toast expert told People magazine in 2022, “Hot dog buns are probably the perfect bread for toast. Toasted until light and crispy, they’re a chewy treat but still great for a nicely dressed salad.”

But no matter which Caesar salad you choose, here’s a tip: Make sure to keep the romaine lettuce cold until just before you toss and serve it. The fridge will keep it crisp and fresh, creating a delicious contrast to the creamy dressing.

Mason Hereford Caesar Salad with Toasted Hot Dogs

6 hot dog buns, cut into 1-inch cubes

⅓ cup plus 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided

1½ tablespoons garlic powder

1½ teaspoons kosher salt, divided

2 teaspoons black pepper, divided

8-10 anchovy fillets, canned in oil, drained, plus more for serving (optional)

3 medium cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons lemon peel and 6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (from 3 lemons), divided

1 cup mayonnaise

6 ounces finely grated Parmesan cheese (about 1½ cups), divided

4 heads romaine lettuce, trimmed and torn into 2-inch pieces

1 cup thinly sliced ​​red onion (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Toss bread cubes with ⅓ cup olive oil on a rimmed baking sheet until evenly coated. Add garlic powder, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper; toss to coat. Spread bread cubes in a single layer on baking sheet.

2. Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown and crisp, 45 to 55 minutes, rotating the pan once halfway through. Cool completely in the pan, about 20 minutes.

3. Combine the anchovies, garlic, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, lemon zest, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tablespoons remaining oil, 1 teaspoon pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a blender. Blend on high speed until mostly smooth, about 30 seconds. Transfer to a medium bowl; stir in mayonnaise and 1 cup Parmesan until well combined. Taste and add more lemon juice, if desired. (Sauce will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.)

4. Toss romaine lettuce, 1 cup dressing, and remaining 3 tablespoons lemon juice in a large bowl until completely coated; add croutons and remaining 1/2 cup Parmesan; toss again. Sprinkle with additional black pepper, and serve with onion slices and anchovies, if desired.

Provided to: 8
Active time:
20 minutes
Total time:
1 hour and 25 minutes